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Hey there,
I'm Amanda!

I specialize in:
Color & Style solutions for ALL hair types.
Curly Cut & Color.

Transitioning to Your Natural Grey Hair.



I've been part of the Houston Metro community for over 20 years, and while I'm not a native Texan, I can drawl out "y'all" with the best of 'em.  I moved here immediately after graduating high school in the middle of nowhere Kansas to start hair school.  I wish I could say I went to an epic cosmetology program that equipped me for real salon life, but that definitely wasn't the case.  However, it DID prompt me to go in search of people who were better than me and willing to teach me what they knew.  And to this day I live by that both in the salon and out.

I wear many hats in my life, and when I'm not in the salon some of what you can find me doing is writing our emails and marketing plans, chauffering my teen boys around, and planning my next trip. I travel regularly to Hawaii to check on our retirement property, as well as across the U.S. to teach and train other hairstylists as a National Educator with Matrix.

When I travel I have downtime to catch up on the latest crime dramas and ridiculous dating reality shows...yes, I will ask if you watch them so we can discuss!!  I love reading crime novels too, so if you need any good recommendations, I've got you!  

One last thing you should know about me is that I'm an encourager, cheerleader, and optimist extraordinaire at heart.  When you join this salon and sit in my chair, know that the encouragement and positive vibes don 't just end when you walk out the door.  Being in charge of our marketing for the salon means I get to post positive messages on our Instagram & Facebook and write our monthly "Love Letter"  email that sends more specific encouragement, resources, or whatever else it seems you might need to fill your cup and keep you going.  So, if that all sounds like something you're interested in, please click the button below to book and let's get this party started!  

"Do or do not.  
There is no try."

Favorite Quote
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